October 22, 2020
Amy here.
Today marks 4 years of marriage with Wilks. There hasn’t been a more obvious time in my life when I knew that I had picked the right partner in life. He has been a pillar of strength this week, and always. Ladies...pick you a man who will cover you up 1000 times when you are in the hospital with post-partum woes and high blood pressure to boot. Matthew is a trooper. Today, I’m completely overwhelmed with all the emotion of the situation but also thankful.
Briar has had a decent day. She has required several blood transfusions. This is to be expected. They are watching her kidneys closely. They are also monitoring the bleeds in her brain. We ask that you pray that her organs continue to get strong enough to support her tiny body. We also ask for prayers that the bleeds stop and/or go away completely.
I have felt very alone today. This entire situation is very daunting and has left me feeling very uneasy. Small decisions (like which muffin I want) have put me over the edge today. I know God is with us through this and believe that He has a plan. But, man...is this ever hard! We can’t thank you enough for the texts and calls today. We mentally and physically can’t reply to everyone. And, for that we are sorry. Just know that we feel and appreciate the love.
Today, I am thankful that God has shown His presence in small ways. We had a doctor come by who had a daughter born under the same conditions at the exact same weeks and almost the same size. Her daughter is now a healthy 10 year old. It reminded me that He can do mighty things. Briar is still with us. She is still fighting. God isn’t done with her here yet. I wouldn’t say that it got my hopes up. The journey ahead still seems insurmountable. However, there was a tiny rainbow for today. His mercies are new every morning.
Please pray for Matthew. He is doing his best to be the strong one. Heaven knows, I’m failing at that job. I know this has to be so hard for him to swallow as well. Pray for my body to heal. We are still fighting high blood pressures. I am off of IV meds for now, but today, my pressures have been all over the place. I don’t have a chance of getting released until they are under control. And, pray for our sweet Briar. She is our world. She is feisty and spends a lot of her time swatting away wires that are too close to her. We are hoping this will serve her well in her fight.
We love you all. Here’s to a fairly uneventful evening and night ahead....